Immer Ärger mit den Paukern
Inglés título: Always Trouble with the Teachers
Título original: Immer Ärger mit den Paukern
Jugendkomödie – RFA
Año de producción: 1968
Duración: 80 minutos
Dirección: Harald Vock
Immer Ärger mit den Paukern
Original-DVD Hans Werner has failed twice to pass his school examinations and is forced by his father to attend a boarding school. But he wants to become a photo reporter, so he convinces his friend, Paul Hartung, a student at the Technical University to take his place in the boarding school. Peter is only too willing to oblige, because he’s hopelessly in love with Christa, a girl, who studies at the same school. But things don’t go too well for Peter. Christa is engaged to Dr. Berger, professor of Literature. And there’s also Peter’s little brother Paul, a mischievous boy who makes teachers and school head teachers suffer a lot of pranks. He knows about the deal, and Peter has to pay him a lot of money for his silence. When graduation arrives, it seems likely that the deception will be discovered, that Peter isn’t the student Hans Werner
Chicos actores
Jan Koester
(Paul Hartung)
Fecha de nacimiento: 29.12.1953

Edad del actor:
sobre 14 año
Fecha de nacimiento: 31.12.1955

Edad del actor:
sobre 12 año
Más información
Kommentare zum Film
Ein witziger Unterhaltungsfilm, der zuweilen an die Serie »Die Lümmel von der ersten Bank« herankommt, wenn der Gesang von Roy Black nicht wäre.
Besonders der Jan Koester spielt den Lausbub Paul Hartung hervorragend!
Esta película fue grabada por Heiner en la lista de película!
Es sind keine alten Sendetermine vorhanden!
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